Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Quote of the Week

Every job is a self-portrait of the person who did it. Autograph your work with excellence. ~Unknown #quotes #quoteoftheday #goodday

Monday, August 10, 2015

Vegas 2015 and Mariah Carey

I had a wonderful time in Las Vegas once again. I love to go there to have fun and party. I can really let my hair down. It's an escape from my real life. What I learned from this trip is that I need more time for me. I could tell because I was so sad to have to go back to my every day life. That release of pressure, stress and lack of everyday fun at my day job really took a toll on me.  It came to a head the night before I headed back to work. So, here's my deal to myself. At least once a month spend a half a day pampering me and every 5 months a need a vacation. Now let me define a vacation. Not time off to attend an event for someone but to celebrate me, relax or have fun FOR ME. I need to regenerate and refresh.

SO Vegas was soooo VEGAS!! I spent money, ate, dranked, shopped and walked.  walked a lot. Most importantly, I saw Mariah Carey!! She is my GIRL. I just love her!!! I love her so much I flew across the country to see her. We had good seats but the butterfly wings were blocking some of the video she was showing in between sets. I just wish the show was longer. I can always use more Mariah. Here are some pictures from my vcation. Enjoy~

We stayed at the Monte Carlo for the first time. I liked the hotel and where it was located on the strip. The food at the hotel was good as well. 

On my way to see Mariah Carey...

After 9 years I was finally able to see Zumanity. It was AWESOME!!!!!

After Zumanity.....

Trying Giada's Resturant in Las Vegas. It was really good food and bread!!!!

Scallops and risotto...

Lemon and basil pasta...

 Mariah's concert. She's the reason I traveled across the country.

I've been to Vegas about 4 times now. This is my first time at the orginal strip.

This isn't my drink, but next time I will try it. 

In the Bellagio Hotel. This is this season's decor. 

A small treat for myself. LV was just 2 blocks away.

Goodby Las Vegas. Until next time.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Quote of the Week

You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore. William Faulkner