Look at my view....
Every time this year I get excited. Not because of the weather change. (I actually do not like being cold.) But because it's family time. We eat, playing board games and remember why we are here on Earth. I have yet to figure out my why, yet it reminds me to working on it, pray and think about all of the way's I have been blessed. No my life isn't exactly where I want it to be but overall I'm happier. Why? I think I am meant to work for myself. That's why I haven't been for-filled working for anyone in over a decade. In the past, I dreaded going into work building. Hearing customer whine and complain instead of letting me fix there issue. I actually am happy when I help people
At church a few weeks ago, my minister was speaking on the concept of giving thanks. Even if the situation looks bad, there is always a positive in it. He gave the example of a man being robbed. He gave thanks that he was not doing the actual robbing. That he was alive to give thanks. Even though he had a wallet to even get stolen! Lol. See there is always a way to give thanks even in the worst of times.
Here are some ways I try to be reminded to say how thankful I am every day.
1) Saying out load why you are thankful.
2) Creating and writing in a gratitude journal. Mine is fuchsia!
3) There is a wonderful app called the Five Minute Journal App. For those who aren't into paper you can write in the app everyday what you are thankful for and at night what made you happy that day. They also have it in book form.
Well I did not write in my gratitude journal every day, I want to finish the year strong so I am writing something in the app everyday. Maybe even copy it into my physical journal. Humm.... In what ways do you give thanks? Comment below!